Get Into Maritime Courses

In mid-April, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited a First Nations maritime project on the MV Cape Don in Sydney Harbour.

We were so honoured that Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited the historic lighthouse keeper ship, the MV Cape Don, in Sydney Harbour in mid-April.

Prince’s Trust Australia is collaborating with the Sea Heritage Foundation, Tribal Warrior and TAFE NSW to hold Get Into Maritime courses on the ship for First Nations peoples.

On the tour of the ship, Her Royal Highness was escorted by one of our Enterprise alumni; Royal Australian Navy veteran, Co-Director of Sea Heritage Foundation, 2nd Officer of the MV Cape Don, CJ Manjarres-Wahlberg.

The Princess Royal on the tour of the MV Cape Don with CJ Manjarres-Wahlberg

"It was an honor to meet HRH The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Lawrence as we discussed the important role of The Prince's Trust Australia and the future role of the MV Cape Don as a living working museum and training ship. Our Indigenous Maritime Operations program to teach Indigenous Australians how to be deck hands (ratings) in the maritime sector will change the lives for our graduates. A great day that will long be remembered by the crew and those who attended." - CJ Manjarres-Wahlberg

Welcome to Country performed by First Nations group led by Leslie McLeoud

At the conclusion of the tour, Little Ava and Ellie presented flowers to Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal. Ava is the daughter of Royal Australian Navy veteran Glenn, who has attended Prince’s Trust Australia’s Enterprise for Veterans programme, and is on the Indigenous Advisory Committee for the Get Into Maritime project.

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Glenn, Ava and Ellie.

We were also thrilled to have had Royal Australian Navy veteran and Enterprise for Veterans programme alumni Mr. Rob White hired as a photographer for the important event.

"It was an honour to photograph HRH and the event in general. The Prince's Trust Australia has been with me the entire way through my small business venture and they continue to support me by regularly hiring me to cover event." - Rob White

All images were taken by Rob White Photography.

Dr Haruhisa Handa’s Worldwide Support forDevelopment is a proud supporter of the Get Into Maritime project. Prince’s Trust Australia thanks our patron Dr Handa for his ongoing support.