The Achieve Framework

The King’s Trust Australia is focused on supporting young people who are at risk of disengaging from education and/or who are on the fringes of the labour market. Our charitable purpose is fulfilled by supporting these young people into education, training and employment.
Achieve was inspired the highly successful version of Achieve developed by our friends in the UK. An Australian adaptation has been developed in collaboration with key stakeholders to meet the current needs of young Australians.
It’s pretty clear that we are entering a time of great economic, social, and environmental change. Research tells us that as we shift into the fourth industrial revolution, young people will need to develop new mindsets, skills, and capabilities to thrive in a rapidly changing world of work.
We know that many young people feel underprepared to transition from school and to make informed career decisions. We know educators have a desire to innovate but often feel hamstrung by systemic pressures and workload. We know parents are concerned their children won’t be able to successfully transition from education to employment.

skill development
In collaboration with workplace learning specialists and in co-design with teachers, students and thought leaders, The King’s Trust Australia has created Achieve, an inquiry-based framework that engages young people in learning through careers education and ‘enterprise skills’ development.
Whether called ‘soft skills’, ‘21st century skills’, ‘future focused’ or transferable skills, these skills are now viewed as critical and are proven to have a positive impact on an individual’s ability to transition through education, training and employment. At The King's Trust Australia, we call them Enterprise Skills. And while there does not seem to be consensus on what to call these skills, there is overwhelming evidence that the development of them are a crucial element to ensuring that young people will not only survive but thrive in the rapidly changing world of work.
Achieve is designed to:
· Develop enterprise mindsets, skills and capabilities
· Adapt to any school or educational environment
· Be flexible in its approach and can be delivered across age groups
· Amplify existing programs, campaigns and initiatives within schools and communities
· Fit within and enables existing education frameworks
· Enable teachers to support students without adding extra pressure
· Address disengagement alongside enterprise skill development

Achieve is fully subsidised thanks to our
generous patrons & supporters