GFG Student Programme - Newcastle

We recently delivered one of the GFG Foundation Student Programmes workshops in Newcastle (NSW) with CSIRO.

A couple of weeks ago we delivered one of the GFG Foundation Student Programme workshops in Newcastle (NSW) in collaboration with the GFG Foundation Global and CSIRO!

This after-school program engages local Year 9 and 10 students in open inquiry STEM projects and life skills to benefit their local community. The programme aims to give young people an insight into industry via real-world experiences and STEM learning; preparing them to meet future challenges.

Director of Young People, Dean Delia facilitating the programme.

We explored our Achieve framework which looks at enterprise skills development and careers education and also the CSIRO’s flagship STEM inquiry program CREST (Creativity in Research, Engineering, Science and Technology). We are looking forward to facilitating the next one in Whyalla (SA) this week!

Watch a brief video of programme below: