Lana McMurdo

Resumes by Lana was born when relocating to Canberra on a posting cycle and rescoping what Lana wanted to do for the first time in nearly a decade. Lana enjoyed a fast-paced and super rewarding career in Human Resources so foundering her business in May 2022 was a natural progression and the business has gone from strength to strength.  

Since then, Lana has assisted hundreds of clients across industries all over Australia with the job application process, helped them understand their value in the market, negotiate their offers and translate their transferrable skills into new opportunities.  

Outside of daily life, Lana seeks out opportunities to volunteer her expertise in the community. Lana has delivered dynamic workshops for organisations within the not-for-profit sector, including The King’s Trust Australia, Headspace and Happy Paws Happy Hearts.  

On the weekends, Lana spends time with her two Australian Shepherds, Arlo and Baxter, or learns something new.

We are thrilled to have Lana join us for the Enterprise Accelerator!

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